Quem sou eu

Minha foto
Pátria, Amada, Brazil
Apenas um rapaz, um rapaz que não tem medo de mostrar seus sentimentos, aliás, tem orgulho. Amor não é algo para ser guardado oculto dentro de nós, mas sim dividido com o mundo, pois o amor está em falta ultimamente...

quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Don't Breathe, Just Feel

There are so many reasons to pull the trigger and leave this world. But there’s just one reason that makes me want to live. She is the only thing that keeps me going straight through a life full of regrets, pain and death. When I stand at the end of the road and look back I realize that nothing was worth it. Every step, every breath, every heartbeat… They were all lies.
There’s one thing that’s not so clear yet – if she is also a lie. I hope not.
Only fate can show me truth from now on. I can’t rely on anything and anyone, not even myself. The only one that deserves to be trusted is God.
Right now my heart is cold as ice, black as night. And don’t worry about it… This will just last FOR EVER.

01/18/2011 – 22:35

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